It's not very literary, but when I think of the word "simple," I immediately associate it with cooking.

If only every day I could turn out a beautiful, delicious, yet very simple dish!

Yesterday I succeeded. What were my ingredients?

A fresh, seasonal vegetable (or fruit?) that I already had on hand; "running to the store" is not simple...

A few staples that I always have in stock...

A half-eaten package of something...

No cookbooks, just putting the pieces together...

...and it all came together in less than ten minutes to make a lovely dish.


This post was inspired by the Sunday Scribblings writing prompt for the week: "simple." I usually post my Sunday Scribblings on And So Forth, but this one obviously belonged on Cuisine Quotidienne.

For more posts on "simple," click here.

View comments

  1. That is simply lovely and couldn't be better!

  2. This is exactly how I like to cook and eat as well--simple, fresh, delicious! And it's a big part of the reason I love living in southern Italy so much ;)

  3. Yum is all I can say!

  4. It looks perfect! Simple lets you taste everything more completely.
    I love the new blog look! Well done!

  5. Anonymous9:52 PM

    The picture makes my stomach growl. I too love to use whatever is on hand to see what can become dinner.

  6. This is a great post. It looks so appetising too. I love my food simple, full of nutrients.

  7. Anonymous1:54 PM

    Yummy, yummy, yummy. My tomatoes are just starting to bloom. It's going to be at least another 6 weeks.

  8. Perfectly lovely. Looks delicious.


I can make this wordy, or I can make it to the point.

Since I have felt detached from this blog for months now, I think I'll be straightforward.

I've decided to stop writing Cuisine Quotidienne. The site will stay up, but -- at least for the coming year -- I'll be blogging only on La France Profonde. And I may work in some food-oriented posts there.

I do not post to this blog anymore and, to tell you the truth, I have plans to "put it down" io the near future. But I don't want to do that without a certain amount of pomp and circumstance, and at the moment, I don't have enough time to develop an appropriate farewell to Cuisine Quotidienne, which I imagine will take me several posts. It will have to wait until I get to the USA in four days!

For now, here's a little clin d'oeil to the 4th of July.

I just downloaded some photos from a recent trip and, to my surprise, found some photos of food in the camera!

Just for your information -- I do still cook. I'm just not blogging about it and, if truth be told, I've been in something of a slump as far as creativity and trying new recipes go.

With a month gone by since my last post, I'm making a formal decision to put Cuisine Quotidienne on the back burner.

Those of you who have followed this blog probably know that it has been something of a struggle. I have plenty of ideas for a blog about everyday French cooking -- in other words, this blog -- but the labor-intensive aspect of food blogging has definitely gotten the best of my good intentions.

I'll try to drop in here once a month or so, just to keep the place alive.

I don't want to make any big pronouncements about the demise of Cuisine Quotidienne, but suffice to say that winter is taking its usual toll on me.

I think I may be taking a month or two off from posting here. Winter is by far my busiest time workwise, and with no vacation in sight -- no, I don't get the upcoming two weeks of vacances scolaires -- I think I'll just be keeping my head above water until March or maybe even April.

Take care all, and I promise I'll be back.

I know there's a cooking blog out there somewhere that features peeks into different food bloggers' pantries. I keep waiting until at least part of my pantry looks really spiffy to send a post to it, but of course the "spiffy-looking pantry" part is never going to happen...

In the meantime, here is a small portion of my pantry. You can see quite a few French elements here, and a few American touches.

I'll be happy to take any questions.

(Flickr photo courtesy of Maxime LeDuc)

Carrots are a reliable vegetable. They keep well, are easy to cut up and please everybody in my family. I virtually always have them on hand and, as in American cooking, they are one of the staple vegetables of everyday French cuisine.

When I was a student in Tours in the 1980s, we frequently ate at a restaurant that served plain, home-style French food.

Oh my, the holidays were lovely.

I often spend a lot of time cooking over Christmas vacation, but this year I really took it easy -- for the entire week and a half I had off, including Christmas. So you won't be seeing a lot of fancy-dancy "look at all of these new recipes I tried on my vacation" photos here.

We enjoyed a simple but festive Christmas Eve meal, or réveillon du 24, featuring boudin blanc cooked with potatoes and sautéed apples.

My, this is not a very French-looking cake! But it is what I came across to celebrate this blog's three-year anniversary.

I'm actually a little late on this: my first post was on December 23rd, 2005. And I have to admit I have struggled with this blog.

I think I have a good concept: writing about the reality of French cooking, shopping, and the everyday struggles of being a working mom who likes all types of food, and French food in particular.

First, happy holidays to all of my readers!

So what is this rather mysterious looking dish? A few hints, because this is a tough one:

It has something to do with my heritageIt's what my daughter who is spending the year in the USA ate for Christmas Eve; I don't think it exists here in FranceIt tastes a lot better than it looksHappy guessing!
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A native of Olympia, Washington, I've been raising a dual national family and teaching English in France for 28 years. I started this blog in 2005 and am currently sharing my many photos of Aveyron, Occitanie, France.
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Wine not?